Sunday, July 12, 2015

Swimming Pool Heater Castle Shanon

Swimming Pool Heaters

There are 3 basic types of swimming pool heaters. Just like home heating they are gas, electric and solar. Gas comes in two configurations – propane and natural gas.

Electric comes in 6electric resistance heat and heat pumps. For heat pump efficiency is 500 %- 600 %.

Gas heaters work by producing a flame in a combustion chamber. The water flows through a coil in the combustion chamber absorbing the heat. The heat not sucked up by the water passing through the flue to the outside air.

Gas heaters are faster at heating the water than heat pumps. To install a gas heater gas lines need installed for the heater.

Electric heaters use electric resistance coils just like in an portable electric heater or toaster. They are just larger and use more electricity than a toaster. Pittsburgh Swimming Pool Heater Company

Electric heaters will need an electric line installed which could be costly. They are also the most expensive to operate.

Solar panel are mounted to the roof somewhere. The disadvantages are they are not attractive and they operate with the sun. No sun no heat is the disadvantage. They are the least expensive to operate as the only expense is pumping water through the collectors.

Heat pump water heaters come in two configurations air source heat pumps and ground source heat pumps. Air source heat pumps take heat from the air.

Ground source heat pumps obtain their heat from placing a tube of liquid in the ground and it absorbs heat from the ground. Ground source heat pump efficiency doesn’t vary with air temperature. They are the most expensive to install and the least expensive to operate except solar.


1 comment:

  1. Really informative blog post. We recently had a local company install a solar heated swimming pool for us, and it's fantastic. We helped with the overall design and the actual installation didn't take very long at all. If I had to choose from solar, electric or gas, solar would win every time. It's just so much more efficient.

    Benton @ Pool Solar & Spa
